The scenario

The user is in their favourite supermarket. They open the supermarket’s app on their phone to see what’s on sale and are greeted by a promotion.

The challenge

Write a promotional home screen for a subscription service that delivers groceries to the user once a month for a flat fee.

Character limit

Headline: 45 characters max

Body: 175 characters max

Button(s): 25 characters max

Time to write

10 minutes


Created after the 10 minutes

My approach

For the headline, I went with a call to action because I want the copy to immediately convey what this screen is about.

I also considered that the user hasn’t chosen to view this screen, so it should be easy to scan.

I took 5 minutes to:

I used the remaining 5 minutes to explore how to word the error message.


Final copy and rationale

Original (Autumn 2021)


(39/45 characters)

Get the big shop delivered to your door

<aside> 🔷 Note: Several months later, I have more knowledge of localisation and I would reconsider the use of “the big shop”. This idiom is specific to the UK and is good for character count but if the company operates internationally, this idiom could make translation for localisation difficult by not making sense or requiring more characters than the limit allows.



(120/175 characters)

Subscribe to our new once-a-month delivery service for only £5.59 each month and we'll bring your chosen products to you.

CTA button

**(**19/25 characters)

Create subscription